consultancy and projects

strategic & operational support

ICT is invisible, only when it doesn’t work do we recognise our dependency on it. Many IT systems are used longer than initially intended, because they’ve become indispensable in a short period of time. Unfortunately, outdated or poorly coordinated systems cause issues or loss of effectiveness, not to mention the additional security risks involved. Whether it is a dormant or an acute problem, iunxi has the experience to detect problems and resolve them permanently or offer a temporary emergency provision. We use our knowledge and experience to provide the best solution and strategy that helps you achieve your intended objectives, whether it concerns scalability, speed or availability. iunxi is creative, pragmatic and innovative. Simply creating an infrastructure design is not an objective for us in its own right, we aim to achieve an optimal and practical result.

analysing, designing, implementing and maintaining

iunxi is not just a supplier, but a partner who thinks along and helps achieve objectives, whether we take over the entire ICT infrastructure and manage it for you or act as a consultant or technical conscience. You will receive reliable advice from us, both operationally and strategically. iunxi has its own technology centre and has equipment to perform network measurements and analyses that provide real-time insight into where the problems arise. We then use an existing environment or create a new one in our in-house test lab, so that we can provide certainty in advance about the impact of our proposals. As THE specialist in the field of business-critical infrastructures, iunxi is involved in complex network issues, either directly or through third parties. Our expertise is in demand to realise an infrastructure that is stable and future-proof. Our strength is to offer support in the field of design, vendor selection, installation and configuration and 24×7 support. After all, real network specialists are only found at iunxi.

what expertise do you need from us today?

  • design

    A future-proof design of e.g. data centre networks, WAN, LAN and WiFi environments. Having a feasibility study and/or risk analysis carried out. Analysis of interoperability of various parts within your network.

  • consultancy & vendor selection

    Operational and strategic advice. iunxi is impartial and can therefore make an independent vendor selection for you. Project control, a second opinion or advice on your investment process.

  • troubleshooting

    Rapid analysis in the event of operational issues and the most suitable solution.
 Network measurements and analyses based on real-time insight. Testing your new environment with existing business-critical applications.


Whether it is a relatively basic environment of an average SME or a complex and demanding international environment, iunxi knows how to realise smart and innovative solutions at a European level.

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