everyone, everywhere and always a mobile pizzeria with you

Domino’s Pizza Enterprises’ ambition results in an international partnership with iunxi

A record profit growth in Europe and a rapid growth in the number of stores opened, with the Netherlands and Belgium as frontrunners. Domino’s “OneDigital’’ approach has proved to be a key strategy for success. “Order anywhere, anyhow” is Domino’s Pizza Enterprises’ (DPE) main online mission. Domino’s has now launched several technological innovations to meet this objective. These innovations enable Domino’s to stay one step ahead of its competitors, because nowhere else will a pizza enthusiast experience a system that’s so easy to use. However, these developments are nothing without a reliable ICT infrastructure. iunxi is the ICT partner that ensures that Domino’s is able to get a solid basis of corporate networks off the ground and to keep it there.

technological ambitions

To continue to develop ordering options that are improving all the time, there is a team that is constantly working to devise and implement innovations. For example, Domino’s launched the Pizza Chef, Order Anywhere, the Pizza Tracker and last but not least, an actual DatingApp. “We use technology to make things easier for the customer and to give him complete control over the ordering and delivery process” Misja Vroom explains, CEO of DPE for the Netherlands and Belgium. “All these digital developments require that the continuity of our service is guaranteed. Everyone, at all times and wherever you are: a mobile pizzeria in your pocket requires a well-designed ICT infrastructure. We deliberately also create an offline link, as the customer must be able to contact Domino’s at any time. That’s what makes our approach so successful”. A uniform way of working for all stores in the Netherlands, Belgium and France helps Domino’s keep its promises to its customers. The latest takeover of a pizza chain in Germany led to the request to include yet another country in the international automation strategy.” A scalable infrastructure is crucial to our plans. Besides our customer being able to contact us online 24×7, the ability to open new stores quickly forms another important part of our growth strategy. In 2009, we began our collaboration with iunxi from our head office in the Netherlands. For us, they’re the real network specialists and now they’re a virtual part of Domino’s too. iunxi always puts 100% into meeting our requirements, which is what we’ve come to expect from a strong partner”.

the iunxi way for high performance & infrastructural excellence

iunxi is one of the few parties in the market with a dedicated focus on innovative corporate networks. According to Marcel Knol, managing director of iunxi BV, the iunxi way is all about technology, a high-quality network and real network experts. “That way, we offer a unique infrastructural approach combined with a fully managed environment in which we are responsible for all connections, hardware, services and support. This approach enables us to guarantee speed, availability and capacity, making us a single point of contact for our customers. As a result, we’re able to provide perfect quality which reflects the importance that an Internet connection has for modern companies such as Domino’s Pizza Enterprises. It’s all about speed, availability and capacity. We supply high-performance Internet connections based on DSL, fibre optics or other technologies. The choice of how a business network is set up depends on the customer, so our specialists always focus on tailor-made solutions which are fully managed and monitored by iunxi 24×7.”

The activities in Germany are accelerating iunxi’s Best-in-Class network strategy. “It is the perfect time for us to start serving new infrastructure customers in Germany too” Marcel explains. Soon after it was founded in 2005, iunxi launched the iunxi Best-in-Class network strategy. “We’ve got a unique position in the market when it comes to setting up ICT infrastructures. iunxi’s international service provider network consists of a number of fibre optic rings placed alongside various data centres in Europe, strategic transit connections and fixed arrangements with the main carriers. Our customers benefit from our international footprint straight away. From our Managed Services department, we are responsible for all hardware, software and connections, which enables us to maintain complete control over the entire infrastructure. We are second to none in responding quickly to get a new network off the ground quickly. We refer to this as the ‘iunxi way’ and this enables us to guarantee maximum availability, or high quality & high availability”, Marcel explains.


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